Boost Projects

  • Level 1


  • Level 2

    2 Booster pass

  • Level 3

    6 Booster pass

  • Level 4

    12 Booster pass

  • Create project page and add tags
  • Create collections linked to a project
  • Project summary and intro
  • Preview with image
  • 2 links for website, Twitter or Discord
  • Publish project news
  • Add a date on the event calendar
  • Unlimited links to website, Twitter and Discord
  • Project background page can be editable
  • Appointment of a project referent
  • Quizz creation
  • Edit timeline / roadmap du projet
  • FAQ
  • Publish articles
  • Autorize a project “Owner”
  • Create contests/games
  • Publish private content
  • ESDT Balance
  • Create surveys to your community
  • Top alert to your community

Functionalities and their allocation in each level are subject to change.

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