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Enter your password
Waiting for confirmation
Just waitWe will be back shortlyin few seconds nowjust a few momentsshould not take too much time now
Account requirements
Checking you account
Referral :
At least 1 NFT among this : NONE
Just waitWe will be backin few seconds...just a few momentsshould not take too much time now
Sorry… This account don't fill the minimum requirements
You think we missed something? Try again, or be back later!
This account is valid You can now proceed with a handshake
You will be asked to sign a transaction to prove you own this account
This handshake will prove this account is yours
Let's get acquainted!
First we have to handshake, nothing dramatic but we have to go through it
Sorry, something went wrong with the transaction.
Hang in there! Let's do it one more time, it'll be the right one.
Set a password to create your account
Other wise you will need to do a handshake evey time you come back
Sorry, something went wrong with your password.
Set a PasswordSecret phraseNOT your wallet words !
Hey, welcome on board!
Jump straight to your pageStart to build and share together
Can't remember, right?
Not a big dealWe will handle it togetherThere are always ways
This kind of things happen